BTEP Certificate in Building Construction Course at Francistown College of Education (FCTVE)
What is Building Construction?
Construction is a general term meaning the art and science to form objects, systems, or organizations, and comes from Latin constructio and Old French construction. To construct is the verb: the act of building, and the noun is construction: how something is built, the nature of its structure.
Programme Structure
The Programme for the Degree in Construction Engineering and Management will be a Single Major Programme that will extend over 10 semesters of full-time study. It shall contain 1 subject called Construction Engineering and Management consisting of courses shown below.
The curriculum for Levels 100 and 200 shall be stipulated in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology Special Regulation 21.20.
Level 300
Semester 5
Core Courses (all are 3 credits)
MAT391 Engineering Mathematics III (pre-req. MAT292)
CCB313 Surveying
CBB311 Construction Technology I
MGT100 Principles of Management
In addition, all students shall select at least 2 of the following optional courses:
CBB312 History of Building (2)
CCB312 CAD for Civil Engineers (2) (pre-req. MMB 221)
CCB315 Environmental Engineering (2)
ECO111 Basic Microeconomics (3)
Semester 6
Core Courses (all 3 credits)
CCB321 Structural Analysis (pre-req. CCB221, CCB212)
CCB324 Construction Materials (pre-req. CCB211)
CBB322 Measurement and Specification I (pre-req. CBB311)
LAW253 Foundation of Engineering Law
In addition, all students shall select at least 1 of the following 2 credit, optional courses:
CBB323 Construction Industry Economics
CBB325 Information Technology in the Construction Industry (pre-req. MMB221)
Level 400
Semester 7
Core Courses
CBB411 Construction Economics I (3)
CBB412 Construction Technology II (3, pre-req. CBB311)
CBB413 Measurement and Specification II (3, pre-req. CBB322)
CBB414 Building Services (2) (pre-req. CBB311)
CBB415 Health and Safety Management in Construction (2)
In addition, all students shall select 1 of the following optional courses:
LAW452 Construction Law (3, pre-req. LAW253)
MMB414 Engineering Management (3)
Semester 8
ITB420 Industrial Training II [Vacation, 20 weeks] (10, core, pre-req. ITB 200)
Level 500
Semester 9
Core Courses
CCB514 Project I (3)
CBB515 Estimating and Tendering (3,pre-req. CBB413)
CBB511 Construction Economics II (2, pre-req. CBB411)
CBB512 Construction Management I (2)
In addition, all students shall select at least 2 of the following 2 credit, optional courses:
CCB513 Measurements and Specifications -Civil Works
CCB518 Public Health Engineering (pre-req. CCB315)
CBB526 Construction Disputes Resolution (pre-req. LAW452)
Semester 10
Core Courses
CCB524 Project II (3, pre-req. CCB 514)
CBB522 Construction Management II (2, pre-req. CBB512)
CBB523 Construction Technology III (2, pre-req. CBB412)
CBB521 Contract Administration (2,pre-req. CBB515 and CBB413)
In addition, all students shall select at least 2 of the following 2 credit, optional courses:
CBB525 Property Management and Valuation
CBB527 Facilities Management (pre-req. CBB414)
MMB516 Building and Factories Services (4)
Except for CCB313 (Surveying), all courses shall be assessed as stipulated in the Faculty Special Regulation 21.30. For CCB313 the ratio of marks for continuous assessment to examination shall be 1:1.