Aircraft Structures Course at Flying Mission School (FM-AMETS)

Aircraft Structures Course at Flying Mission School (FM-AMETS)

What is Aircraft Structures Course ?

This course is an introduction for the analysis of aircraft structures. It bridges together the basic solid mechanics with applications to aerospace structures.

Aircraft Structures Course at Flying Mission School (FM-AMETS)

FM–AMETS is the only Approved Training Organisation (ATO) in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering in Botswana. The institution offers a two year Diploma programme in the Science of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering majoring in Airframe, Powerplant & Avionics with a total of 270 credits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the aircraft structure training program?

ASTP includes hands-on exercises and shop skills development in assembly tools, drilling, reaming, countersinking; aircraft assembly; aircraft production fundamentals; shop math and blueprint reading; etc.

What are the three types of aircraft structures?

4 Common Types of Airplane Fuselages

  • #1) Truss. Also known as truss structure, truss is a common type of airplane fuselage.
  • #2) Monocoque. Some airplanes have a monocoque fuselage.
  • #3) Semi-Monocoque. In addition to monocoque, there are semi-monocoque airplane fuselages.
  • #4) Geodesic.

What are the requirements for aircraft structure?

The primary factors to consider in aircraft structures are strength, weight, and reliability. These factors determine the requirements to be met by any material used to construct or repair the aircraft. Airframes must be strong and light in weight.

What are aircraft structures?

An aircraft structure is a lightweight ecosystem made from circular frames, linear stringers and skin panels — either machined or formed from sheet metal. Each structural component must be manufactured and accurately assembled to become the safe modern aircraft we expect today.

What are the 5 major structural parts of the aircraft?

The principal structural units of a fixed-wing aircraft are the fuselage, wings, stabilizers, flight control surfaces, and landing gear.

What is the aircraft structure called?

The mechanical structure of an aircraft is known as the airframe.

What are characteristics of aircraft structure?

Aircraft structures are divided into 5 major parts, namely the fuselage, empennage, wings, landing gears, and Engines. These parts are designed together in conceptual design and quite independently in detail design. And are independently fabricated at various centers spread across the world or country.

What metal is used in aircraft construction?

The metals used in the aircraft manufacturing industry include steel, aluminium and titanium with each possessing certain qualities that make them ideal for this use.

What are examples of aircraft structures?

Most airplane structures include a fuselage, wings, an empennage, landing gear, and a powerplant. The fuselage is the central body of an airplane and is designed to accommodate the crew, passengers, and cargo. It also provides the structural connection for the wings and tail assembly.

What are the walls of an airplane called?

The fuselage also serves to position the control and stabilization surfaces in specific relationships to lifting surfaces, which is required for aircraft stability and maneuverability.