Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting and Journalism Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting and Journalism Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

What is Broadcasting and Journalism?

Broadcast journalism is the field of news and journals which are broadcast by electronic methods instead of the older methods, such as printed newspapers and posters. It works on radio, television and the World Wide Web. Such media disperse pictures, visual text and sounds.

Program Structure

The revised BMS full-time programme extends over eight semesters. It is available as a single major, and as part of a double major or major/minor within the BA (Humanities) combination.

The revised programme comprises of the general media studies, journalism, radio broadcasting, television broadcasting courses, and electives from other Departments. Other courses include basic language proficiency courses offered in the Departments of African Languages and Literature, Chinese Studies, English and French.

The total minimum credits required to complete the programme is 124 and all students enrolled in the programme are expected to complete all the required GEC (10 credits), Language (6 credits), Cores (84 credits), other optional courses (15 credits) and electives courses (9 credits).

At level 300, students are provided with an opportunity to do an attachment in UB during semester 6 (BMS341 – Media Practice 1), and then externally during semester 7 (BMS451 Media Practice 2).

Two final project/dissertation courses (BMS441 and BMS451) are offered in two semesters, the first being a proposal writing stage and the second a dissertation writing /project production stage.

Level 1 Semester 1

BMS110 History of World Media (3) CORE
BMS111 Media in Botswana (3) CORE
COM111 Communication & Academic Literacy Skills 1 (3) CORE
ICT121 Computer Skills Fundamentals 1 (2) CORE
ENG121 Introduction to English Language, Description & Usage (3) CORE
ALC121 Introduction to the Study of Language & Linguistics (3) OPTIONAL
CHN105 Basic Practical Mandarin 1 (3) OPTIONAL
ENG113 Introduction to Literature and Prose (3) OPTIONAL
FRE217 French Language 1 (3) OPTIONAL


Level 1 Semester 2

BMS 112 Introduction to Media Technology (3) CORE
BMS 113 Theories of Mass Communication (3) CORE
COM112 Communication & Academic Literacy Skills 11 (3) CORE
ICT122 Computer Skills Fundamentals 2 (2) CORE
ENG131 Writing in English (3) CORE
ALC141 Introduction to Oral Literature & Indigenous Knowledge (3) OPTIONAL
CHN106 Basic Practical Mandarin 11 (3) OPTIONAL
ENG123 Introduction to Literature, Drama & Poetry (3) OPTIONAL
FRE227 French Language 11 (3) OPTIONAL


Level 2 Semester 3

BMS221 Introduction to Journalism (3) CORE
BMS222 Introduction to Broadcasting (3) CORE
BMS224 Introduction to Film and Video (3) CORE
BDM206 Desktop Publishing (3) OPTIONAL
BMS237 Television Studio Directing & Producing (3) OPTIONAL
BMS246 Interviewing Techniques in Broadcast Media (3) OPTIONAL

1 Elective Course (3)


Level 2 Semester 4

BDM210 Digital Photography (3) CORE
BMS226 Ethics for Media Professionals (3) CORE
BMS229 Basics of Video Production (3) CORE
BMS236 Multimedia Journalism (3) OPTIONAL
BMS247 Television News Writing & Production (3) OPTIONAL
BMS248 Radio News Writing & Production (3) OPTIONAL

1 Elective Course (3)


Level 3 Semester 5

BMS320 Media & Society (3) CORE
BMS321 Media Law (3) CORE
BMS340 Sound Design (3) CORE
BMS342 Special Topics in Media (3) CORE
BMS345 Reporting Health, Science and Technology (3) OPTIONAL
BMS347 Television Magazine Script Writing & Production (3) OPTIONAL
BMS348 Radio Magazine Writing & Production (3) OPTIONAL


Level 3 Semester 6

BMS328 Communication Research Methods (3) CORE
BMS341 Media Practice 1 (6) CORE
BMS343 Introduction to Data Driven Journalism (3) CORE
BMS332 Beat Reporting (3) OPTIONAL
BMS357 Television Entertainment Shows (3) OPTIONAL
BMS358 Educational Broadcasting (3) OPTIONAL


Level 4 Semester 7

BMS421 Current Issues in African Media (3) CORE
BMS441 Media Project / Dissertation 1 (3) CORE
BMS442 Media Practice 2 (6) CORE
BMS423 Investigative Journalism (3) OPTIONAL
BMS425 Television Drama, Writing & Production (3) OPTIONAL
BMS424 Radio Drama, Writing & Production (3) OPTIONAL


Level 4 Semester 8

BMS 451 Media Project / Dissertation 2 (6) CORE
BMS 443 Programming and Station Management (3) CORE
BMS 429 Media Management & Entrepreneurship (3) CORE

1 Elective Course (3)