Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies (Chinese Studies) Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies (Chinese Studies) Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

What is Chinese Studies?

Sinology, or Chinese studies, is an academic discipline that focuses on the study of China primarily through Chinese philosophy, language, literature, culture and history and often refers to Western scholarship. Its origin “may be traced to the examination which Chinese scholars made of their own civilization.”

Purpose of the degree programme

The Chinese Studies Programme aims to produce graduates who are proficient in Mandarin Chinese and at home in the Chinese cultural environment. The Programme is unique in the region because it is interdisciplinary in nature: its courses cover an array of aspects, ranging from the study of Mandarin Chinese to the rich history and philosophy of Traditional China to the thriving economy and foreign relations of today’s China.

Entrance Requirements

Eligibility for admission to the programme shall be in accordance with the General Academic Regulations and the Faculty of Humanities Special Regulations 22.2, except that the Faculty shall have discretion to admit students who do not fully meet these requirements but who have prior qualifications in Mandarin Chinese.

Programme Structure


1.1 The Chinese Studies programme is a concentrated Single Major leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. This concentration is necessary in view of the high language standard to be mastered in four years.

1.2 Teaching will be in English at lower levels. This is in accordance with international best practice and is necessary because of the relative difficulty of beginning Chinese.

1.3 To successfully complete the programme, students will be required to obtain 124 credits.

1.4 The following will be the core courses:

Level 100

CHN101: Basic Mandarin 1 (6)
CHN102: Basic Mandarin 2 (6)
CHN103: Introduction to China (3)
CHN104: Understanding China (3)

Level 200

CHN201: Pre-intermediate Mandarin Chinese 1 (6)
CHN202: Pre-intermediate Mandarin Chinese 2 (6)
CHN203: Ancient and Imperial History of China [to 1911] (3)
CHN204: Modern History of China [since 1911] (3)
CHN205: Chinese Philosophy and Religion (3)
CHN206: Political Economy of Contemporary China (3)
CHN207: Introduction to Chinese Literature in Translation (3)

Level 300

CHN301: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Reading and Writing 1(6)
CHN302: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Reading and Writing 2 (6)
CHN303: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Listening and Speaking (3)
CHN304: Chinese for Travelling (3)
CHN305: Chinese Speaking Societies in the World (in English) (3)
CHN306: Hot Topics in Contemporary China (in English) (3)
CHN307: Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Level 3) (3)
CHN308: Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Level 4) (3)

Level 400

CHN401: Advanced Mandarin Chinese 1 (6)
CHN402: Advanced Mandarin Chinese 2 (6)
CHN403: Africa’s Relations with China (3)
CHN404: China, Globalization & Changing Power Relations (3)
CHN405: Chinese Literature and Culture (3)
CHN406: Business Chinese (3)

1.5: Options for a total of 15 credits will be selected from a list of approved optional courses from other departments.

1.5.1 It should be noted that due to the special nature of this programme, all the Chinese Studies courses (both language and non-language) are core. The optional courses are approved courses which may be taken from other subjects. The programme does not include any electives.

1.5.2 The following list is provided for this year (2017-18); however, the Faculty may alter the list at discretion to take account of circumstances. (See regulations.) The list below has been arranged by broad categories so as to indicate areas of particular relevance.


MGT100 Principles of Management (3)
MKT100 Principles of Marketing (3)
THM101 Principles of Tourism (3)
MGT200 Organizational Design and Development (Prereq MGT 100) (3)
MKT303 Sales Management (3)
MKT309 Internet Marketing (3)

History and Politics

ARC102 Introduction to World Prehistory (2)
HIS102 Introduction to the Study of History (2)
POL113 Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (3)
HIS201 African Cultures and Civilisations to c.1500 (3)
HIS214 Agriculture & Industrialisation in the World Economy to 1945 (3)
HIS333 Introduction to Foreign Policy, Diplomacy & International Relations (3)
HIS334 Superpowers in the 20th Century (3)
HIS446 Growth, Policy and Poverty in Africa, L. America, S & SE Asia 2 (3)
POL401 International Relations (3)

Language and Literature

ENG213 Prose Literature of Southern Africa (3)
ENG223 The Drama of Southern Africa (3)
ENG233 The Poetry of Southern Africa (3)
ALL353 African Oral Literature and the Media (3)
ENG317 African Drama (3)
ENG373 Botswana Literature (3)
ALL453 Women’s Literature in Botswana (3)
ENG433 Introduction to Gender issues (3)
ENG453 Bessie Head (3)
ENG463 Gender Issues in African Literature (3)

Media Studies

BMS320 Media and Society (3)
BMS329 Development Communication (3)
BMS421 Current Issues in African Media (3)

Philosophy and Religion

TRS107 African Traditional Religions (3)
TRS304 African Philosophy and Culture (3)
TRS409 African Christian Theologies (3)
TRS413 Hinduism (3)
TRS418 Contemporary African Philosophy (3)
TRS424 Buddhism (3) 


SOC123 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (3)
SOC236 Social Inequality (3)
SOC324 Sociology of Gender (3)
SOC424 African Social Thought (3)

1.6: The Programme structure is as follows:

Year 1

Semester One


CHN101: Basic Mandarin (6)
CHN103: Introduction to China (3)

Choose one (1) from the following (4):

MGT100 Principles of Management
THM101 Principles of Tourism
ARC102 Introduction to World Prehistory
SOC123 Introduction to Social & Cultural Anthropology


ICT121 (2)
COM111 (3)

Total credits: 17

Semester Two


CHN102 Basic Mandarin 2 (6)
CHN104 Understanding China (3)

Choose one (1) from the following (3):

MKT100 Principles of Marketing
HIS102 Introduction to the Study of History
TRS107 African Traditional Religion


ICT122( 2)
COM112 (3)

Total credits: 17

Year 2

Semester One


CHN201 Pre-intermediate Mandarin Chinese (6)
CHN203 Ancient and Imperial History of China (3)
CHN205 Chinese Philosophy and Religion (3)
CHN207 Introduction to Chinese Literature in Translation (3)

Total credits: 15

Students have the possibility to add one optional course.

Semester Two


CHN202 Pre-intermediate Mandarin Chinese 2 (6)
CHN204 Modern History of China (3)
CHN206 Political Economy of Contemporary China (3)

Total credits: 15

Year 3

Semester 1


CHN301: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Reading and Writing 1 (6)
CHN303: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Listening and Speaking (3)
CHN305: Chinese Speaking Societies in the World (in English) (3)
CHN307: Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Level 3) (3)

Total credits: 15

Students have the possibility to add one optional course.

Semester 2


CHN302: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Reading and Writing 2 (6)
CHN304: Chinese for Travelling (3)
CHN306: Hot Topics in Contemporary China (in English) (3)
CHN308: Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK Level 4) (3)

Total credits: 15

Students have the possibility to add one optional course.

Year 4

Semester One


CHN401: Advanced Mandarin Chinese 1 (6)
CHN403: Africa’s Relations with China (3)
CHN405: Chinese Literature and Culture (3)

Choose one (1) from the following (3):

HIS201: African Cultures and Civilization to c.1500
HIS333: Introduction to Foreign Policy, Diplomacy & International Relations
POL401: International Relations
ENG373: Botswana Literature
ALL453: Women’s Literature in Botswana
ENG433: Introduction to Gender Studies
TRS304: African Philosophy & Culture
TRS409: African Christian Theologies
SOC424: African Social Thought

Total credits: 15

Semester Two


CHN402 Advanced Mandarin Chinese 2 (6)
CHN404 China, Globalization & Changing Power Relations (3)
CHN406 Business Chinese (3)

Choose one (1) from the following (3):

MGT200 Organizational Design & Development (Prereq MGT100)
MKT303 Sales Management
HIS214 Agriculture & Industrialization in the World Economy to 1945
HIS334 Superpowers in the 20th Century
HIS446 Growth, Policy, Diplomacy & International Relations
ENG233 The Poetry of Southern Africa
ENG453 Bessie Head
ENG463 Gender Issues in African Literature
BMS329 Development Communication
TRS418 Contemporary African Philosophy
TRS424 Buddhism
SOC236 Social Inequality
SOC324 Sociology of Gender

Total credits: 15

2.0 Assessment

Assessment shall normally include course assessment as provided for in General Regulations, including essays, tests, presentations, project assignments, group exercises, practical exercises, and other forms of assessment appropriate to the particular course, and final examinations, but the assessment requirements may vary between courses according to the approved course prescriptions.

3.0 Progression

In order to proceed from one semester to the next, a student must obtain a cumulative GPA, which is in accordance with General Regulation 00.9.

4.0 Awards in Chinese Studies

Bachelor of Arts Degree:

To graduate as Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Studies, students must qualify for a BA under the General Regulations of the Faculty of Humanities, and satisfy the requirements for the Major in Chinese Studies. 

To graduate with the Major in Chinese Studies, a student shall be required to obtain 124 credits.