Bachelor of Education in Physical Education (Physical Education) Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

Bachelor of Education in Physical Education (Physical Education) Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

What is Physical Education?

Physical education, often abbreviated to Phys Ed. or P.E., is a subject taught in schools around the world. It is usually taught during primary and secondary education, and encourages psychomotor learning by using a play and movement exploration setting to promote health and physical fitness.

Year One

Semester One

COM161E Communication and Academic Literacy Skills I           GEC     3
ICT121E Computer Skills Fundamentals I          GEC     2
EFP100 Introduction to Educational Psychology                                                               Core    3
BIO111 Principles of Biology    Core    4
BSS112 Socio-cultural Foundations of Sport & Exercise           Core    3
BSS115 Foundations of Physical Education & Sport Coaching  Core    3

            TOTAL CREDITS 18

Semester Two

COM161E Communication and Academic Literacy Skills II             GEC        3
ICT122E Computer Skills Fundamentals II GEC        2
BSS122  Principles of Exercise and Sport Training                Core      3
BSS123  Aquatic Skills      Core      3
BSS126  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Track & Field         Core      3
Elective 2

             TOTAL CREDITS 16

Year Two

Semester One

BIO211  Cell Biology         Core      3
BSS214  Injury Prevention and Emergency Care in Physical Activity              Core      3
BSS215  Instructional Strategies for Elementary & Secondary Physical Education   Core      3
BSS219  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Soccer     Core      3
BSS221  Motor Learning & Skills Acquisition          Core      3
Elective 3

            TOTAL CREDITS 18

Semester Two

BIO231  Human Anatomy   Core     3
BIO232  Human Physiology Core     3
BSS222  Special Needs and Adapted Physical Activity   Core     3
BSS234  Sport Science Internship     Core     3

Choose one of the following Options:                      
BSS231  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Basketball        Option  3
BSS232  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Handball         Option  3

            TOTAL CREDITS 15

Year Three

Semester One

BSS312  Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Wellness             Core      3
BSS313  Applied Biomechanics    Core      3
BSS315  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Netball    Core      3
BSS320  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Volleyball               Core      3
BSS328  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Softball   Core      3
Elective 2

            TOTAL CREDITS 17

Semester Two

BSS321  Research Methods in Sport & Exercise    Core      3
BSS322  Principles of Sport & Exercise Psychology              Core      3
BSS323  Measurement, Data Analysis & Evaluation in Sport & Exercise.    Core      3
BSS324  Sport Science Internship               Core      3

Plus one option from the following:                           
BSS333  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Badminton            Option  3
BSS331  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Table Tennis         Option  3

            TOTAL CREDITS 15

Year Four

Semester One

BSS411  Exercise Physiology         Core      3
BSS413  Ethics in Sport & Exercise Industry            Core      3
BSS416  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Gymnastics & Dance          Core      3
BSS417  Sport Science Project I   Core      3

Plus one of the following options:                            
BSS418  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Cricket     Option  3
BSS419  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Hockey    Option  3
BSS421  Motor Development Across Life Span                      Option  3

Elective 2

            TOTAL CREDITS 17

Semester Two

BSS422  High Performance   Training, Analysis & Evaluation   Core     3
BSS423  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Tennis          Core     3
BSS424  Entrepreneurship in Sport & Exercise          Core     3
BSS425  Sport Science Research Project II   Core     3
BSS433  Coaching Techniques and Strategies in Combat Sports           Core     3
BSS434  Sport Coaching Specialization & Licensing    Core     3

            TOTAL CREDITS 18