Bachelor of Laws(Laws) Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)
What is Law?
Law is a set of rules that are created and are enforceable by social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior, with its precise definition a matter of longstanding debate. It has been variously described as a science and as the art of justice.
Entry Requirements
1. The normal requirement for admission to the Bachelor of Laws degree programme shall be the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) obtained at one sitting with a minimum of five credits, one of which shall be in English language, or an equivalent qualification.
2. An applicant in possession of a Diploma in Law from this University, obtained with a minimum classification of a credit, or an equivalent qualification shall also be eligible for admission to the LLB programme.
3. Subject to Academic General Regulation 00.4, a student admitted to the LLB programme with a Diploma in Law shall be exempted from taking Levels 100 and 200 courses on the LLB programme designated by the Departmental Board as equivalent to courses passed under the Diploma in Law Programme and shall be allocated comparable credits under the LLB programme for the exemptions. A student admitted to the LLB programme with a Diploma in Law will not normally be entitled to register for courses offered at levels 300, 400 and 500 of the LLB programme
before completing and accumulating credits for levels 100 and 200 Core, Optional, Electives and General Education Courses.
The normal duration for the LLB degree programme shall be ten (10) semesters on a full-time basis. Students entitled to exemptions in terms of Academic General Regulations, Faculty and Special Departmental Regulations may however complete the programme within a shorter period which, for students with a Diploma in Law, may not be less than six (6) semesters on a full time basis.
Programme Structure
1.The LLB programme shall consist of specified Core (C) and Optional (O) courses in the principal subject Law offered at Levels 100 to 500, and Electives (E) and General Education Courses (GEC) in other subject areas offered at comparable levels.
2. Students shall normally be required to take and complete credits for the Core courses in the manner and sequence indicated in the programme structure. The Core courses at each level and semester from Levels 100 to 400 have generally been designed and arranged to prepare LLB students for other Core courses at each successive higher level.
3. Optional courses on the LLB programme shall be offered subject to optimal student and approval of the Departmental Board.
4. Subject to changes approved from time to time, LLB courses shall be arranged as follows:-
Level 100
Semester 1
COM151 Communication and Academic Literacy Skills (Social Sciences) (3)
ICT121 Computer Skills Fundamentals I (2)
LAW131 Introduction to Law (3)
LAW132 Comparative Legal History and Systems (3)
LAW133 Law of Persons (3)
GEC / Elective (3)
Total Number of Credits 17
Semester 2
COM152 Academic and Professional Communication (Social Sciences) (3)
ICT122 Computer Skills Fundamentals 2 (2)
LAW106 Customary Law (3)
LAW134 Family Law (3)
LAW135 Law and Social Research Methods (2)
GEC / Elective (3)
Total for Number of Credits 16
Level 200
Semester 3
LAW231 Criminal Law, General Principles (3)
LAW232 Delict, General Principles (3)
LAW233 Contract Law (4)
LAW234 Constitutional Law (3)
GEC /Elective (2)
Total Number of Credits 15
Semester 4
LAW235 Specific Offences in Criminal Law (3)
LAW236 Specific Delicts (3)
LAW237 Administrative Law (3)
LAW201 Introduction to Property Law (3)
GEC / Elective (4)
Total Number of Credits 16
Level 300
Semester 5
LAW202 Land and Mineral Resources Law (3)
LAW331 Civil Procedure and Practice (4)
LAW332 Evidence (4)
LAW333 Criminal Procedure (3)
LAW334 Employment Law (3)
Total Number of Credits 17
Semester 6
LAW335 Sale, Lease and Credit Agreements (3)
LAW336 Negotiable Instruments and Banking Law (3)
LAW337 Labour Relations Law (3)
LAW338 Law and the Environment (3)
LAW339 Succession and Administration of Estates (2)
And one of
LAW340 Insurance and Agency Law (3)
LAW217 Insolvency and Secured Transactions (3)
LAW218 Tax Law in Botswana (3)
Total Number of Credits 17
Level 400
Semester 7
LAW431 Public International Law I (3)
LAW432 Jurisprudence (4)
LAW433 Clinical Legal Education I (4)
LAW434 Law of Business Associations I (3)
And One of
LAW439 Gender and the Law (3)
LAW440 Law and the Media (3)
LAW441 Law and Health Care (3)
LAW442 Social Security Law (3)
Total Number of Credits 17
Semester 8
LAW435 Public International Law II (3)
LAW436 Clinical Legal Education II (4)
LAW437 Human Rights Law (3)
LAW438 Law of Business Associations II (3)
And one of
LAW439 Gender and the Law (3)
LAW440 Law and the Media (3)
LAW441 Law and Health Care (3)
LAW442 Social Security Law (3)
Total Number of Credits 16
Level 500
Semester 9
LAW531 Clinical Legal Education III (4)
LAW532 Conveyancing Principles and Practice (4)
LAW535 Research Paper (3)
And at least two of
LAW536 International Moot (3)
LAW537 Private International Law I (3)
LAW538 International Organizations (3)
LAW539 International Business Transactions (3)
LAW540 Intellectual Property Law I (3)
Total Number of Credits 17
Semester 10
LAW533 Introduction to Notarial Practice (4)
ACC407 Accounting for Lawyers (4)
And at least three of
LAW536 International Moot (3)
LAW541 Intellectual Property Law II (3)
LAW542 International Trade Law (3)
LAW538 International Organizations (3)
LAW543 Private International Law II (3)
LAW539 International Business Transactions (3)
Total Number of Credits 17
Minimum Total Credits for the Programme: 165 Credits
Award of Degree
A student shall be eligible for the award of the LLB degree upon completion of a minimum of 165 credits from the Core, Optional, Electives and GECs indicated in the programme structure.
1. The following Special Regulations shall supplement Academic General Regulations and Faculty of Social Sciences Regulations on assessment and grading of law courses on the LLB programme.
2. Except for courses LAW135, Law and Social Research Methods; LAW433, Clinical Legal Education I; LAW436, Clinical Legal Education II; LAW531, Clinical Legal Education III; LAW535, Research Paper; and LAW536, International Moot, each Core and Optional course on the LLB programme shall be assessed through continuous assessment and a formal written examination taken at or before the end of the semester.
Continuous Assessment
1. Continuous assessment shall consist of at least two or more of the following pieces of work: written assignments, written tests, oral tests, mock trials, moots, class or seminar exercises, practicals, projects, research exercises or independent study.
2. Except for the courses LAW135, Law and Social Research Methods; LAW433, Clinical Legal Education I; LAW436, Clinical Legal Education II; LAW531, Clinical Legal Education III; LAW535, Research Paper; and LAW536, International Moot, the ratio between continuous assessment and the formal examination in law courses shall be 2:3.
3. Law and Social Research Methods, LAW135, Law and Social Research Methods, shall be assessed through at least two or more pieces of continuous assessment work. Each piece of continuous assessment work shall be marked and shall contribute towards the final mark of 100 per cent for the course.
4. Clinical Legal Education Courses I to III shall be assessed as follows:
a) LAW433 Clinical Legal Education I
1. Participation in seminars and written assignments – 30%
2. Oral examination on work performed in the Legal Clinic – 20%
3.End of semester examination – 50%
Total 100%
b) LAW 436 Clinical Legal Education II
1. Oral Examination on work performed in the Legal Clinic – 40%
2. Moot/Mock trial documents and performance 60%
Total 100%
c) LAW 531 Clinical Legal Education III
1. Internship Report – 30%
2. Moot/mock trial documents and performance – 50%
3. Oral examination on work performed in the Legal Clinic – 20%
Total 100%
International Moot
The Course Law536, International Moot, shall be assessed as follows:
1. Documents prepared for the Moot – 60%
2. Advocacy skills in the Moot – 40%
Total 100%
Research Paper
The final version of the research paper in course LAW535 shall be submitted for examination by the relevant date and marked out of 100 per cent. A student who fails to submit the research paper for examination by the relevant date shall be awarded an incomplete Grade (I) in accordance with Academic General Regulation 00.844. Delay and Failure to Submit Continuous Assessment Work Subject to Special Departmental Regulations 3.6.4 and 3.65, failure without good cause to submit continuous assessment work within twenty-four hours of the due date shall carry a penalty of 5 percentage marks. Failure to submit the work within forty-eight hours of the due date shall carry a penalty of 50 percentage marks. Failure to submit the work within one week from the due date shall incur a zero mark.
Formal Examinations
Formal written examinations for Core and Optional law courses on the LLB programme shall be of the type and for the duration approved by the Departmental Board and indicated in the course outline or at the beginning of each course.
Service Courses
Subject to optimal student demand and the availability of staff and other resources, the Department of Law shall offer the following courses at levels 100 to 600 to students not registered for law programmes.
Level 100
GEC277 Law and society in Botswana (2 sem 1 or 2)
LAW151 Law and social work (4 sem 1)
Level 200
LAW251 Foundations of Business Law (3, Sem 1)
LAW252 Specific Business Transactions (4, Sem 2)
LAW253 Foundations of Engineering Law (3, Sem 2)
Level 300
LAW351 Introduction to Company Law (4, Sem 1)
LAW353 Planning and Environmental Law (3, Sem 1 or 2)
LAW354 Land Law for Geomatics (3, Sem 1)
Level 400
LAW452 Construction Law (3, Sem 1 or 2)
LAW453 Labour and Industrial Property Law (3, Sem 1 or 2)