Bachelor of Science Business Computing and Information Systems Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

Bachelor of Science Business Computing and Information Systems Course at Botswana College of Engineering and Technology (BCET)

What is Business Computing and Information Systems?

This programme equips students with a blend of technical IT skills and business expertise which prepares them for careers in senior management roles. The programme modules are designed to provide students with the fundamental skills and knowledge required by employers in the IT sector.

Level 100

Semester 1

Core Courses

COM121 Communication and Academic Literacy Skills (3)
ICT121 Computer Skills Fundamentals I (2)
ECO111 Basic Microeconomics (3)
MGT100 Principles of Management (3)
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
STA101 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences I
STA116 Introduction to Statistics (4)

Semester 2

Core Courses

COM122 Professional Communication (Business) (3)
ICT122 Computer Skills Fundamentals II (2, pre-req. ICT121)
ACC100 Introduction to Accounting (3)
ECO112 Basic Macroeconomics (3)
MKT100 Principles of Marketing (3)
STA102 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences II (3, pre-req. STA101)
STA114 Business Statistics I (3)

Level 200

Semester 3

Core Courses

BIS200 Systems Development I (3, pre-req. ICT122)
BIS201 Foundations of Business Information Systems (3, pre-req. ICT122)
CSI241 Structured Programming (4, pre-req.STA102)
FIN200 Business Finance (3, pre-req. ACC 100)
LAW 251 Foundations of Business Law (3)
MGT203 Quantitative Methods (3, pre-req. STA114, &STA116)


GEC Area 3

Semester 4

Core Courses

BIS204 Data Organisation Methods (3, pre-req. BIS201)
CSI252 Operating Systems Concepts (3)
CSI272 Computer Communications Networking Fundamentals (2)
MGT200 Organisational Design & Development (3, pre-req. MGT100)


GEC Areas 3/4/5/6/7

Level 300

Semester 5

Core Courses

BIS301 Business Process Re-engineering (3)
BIS302 Decision Support Systems I (3)
BIS303 Electronic Commerce 1 (3)
BIS343 Industrial Attachment (2)
MGT301 Organisational Behaviour (3, pre-req. GT200)


GEC Areas 3/4/5/6/7

Semester 6

Core Courses

BIS307 Project Management Information Systems(3)
CSI362 Database Concepts (3)
MGT302 Business Research Methods (3, pre-reg. MGT203)

Option/Elective (3)

GEC Areas 3/4/5/6/7

Level 400

Semester 7

Core Courses

MGT400 Strategic Management (3, pre-req. MGT301)
CSI461 Computer Communications Network Management (4)
BIS443 Industrial Attachment (2)


GEC Areas 3/4/5/6/7

Semester 8

Core Courses

BIS420 Strategic Information Systems (3, pre req. BIS 307)
BIS403 Information Systems Security (3)
BIS444 Research Project (4, pre-req. MGT302)

Option Elective

GEC Areas 3/4/5/6/7

Optional Courses

BIS 205 Information Technology (3)
BIS304 Management Information Systems (3)
BIS305 Systems Development II (3)
BIS306 IS Research and Practice (3)
BIS308 Marketing Information Systems (3)
BIS309 Accounting Information Systems (3)
BIS314 Multimedia Systems (3)
BIS401 Current Issues in Information Systems (3)
BIS402 Information Technology Productivity Tools
BIS404 Small Business Information Systems (3)
BIS405 Legal and Ethical Issues of Information Systems (3)
BIS406 Financial Information Systems (3)
BIS407 Electronic Commerce II (3)
BIS408 Systems Development Methodologies (3)
BIS409 Advanced Database Systems (3)
BIS410 Manufacturing Information Systems (3)
BIS417 Information Systems Auditing (3)
CSI312 Expert Systems (3)
CSI314 Decision Support Systems II (3)
CSI392 Human Computer Interaction (3)
CSI462 Distributed Systems (3)
CSI471 Object Oriented Systems Development (3)
CSI472 Social and Professional Issues of Computing (3)