Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) Courses Offered

Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) Courses Offered



The Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) is a Government of Botswana supported institution established through the BIUST Act (CAP 57:05) as a research-intensive University that specialises in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) at both undergraduate and post-graduate level.

It aims to increase competitiveness, economic growth and sustainable development; address the shortage of skilled scientists and technologists; increase movement of skilled people across national boundaries; stimulate research, innovation, and technology transfer; improve society’s aspirations to improve health, wealth and well-being; address increased demand for access to tertiary education; and enable a more competitive and innovative tertiary education sector.

Faculty of Sciences Programmes

The Faculty of Sciences offers a wide variety of science programmes from undergraduate to postgraduate (Phd and MSc).

BSc Biology & Biotechnology

BSc Pure & Applied Chemistry

BSc Forensic Sciences

BSc Computer Science

BSc Information Systems & Data Management

BSc Earth & Environmental Sciences

BSc Geology

BSc Environmental Sciences

BSc Pure & Applied Mathematics

BSc Statistics

BSc Physics

MSc Biological Science

MSc Chemistry

MSc Forensic Science

MSc Computer Science

MSc Information Systems & Data Management

MSc Earth & Environmental Sciences

MSc Geological Sciences

MSc Environmental Sciences

MSc Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology Programmes

The Faculty of Engineering and Technology offers a wide variety of engineering programmes from undergraduate to postgraduate (Phd and MEng).

PhD Mining Engineering

PhD Mechatronics & Industrial Instrumentation Engineering

PhD Computer & Telecommunications Engineering

PhD Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

PhD Materials & Metallurgical Engineering

PhD Geological Engineering

PhD Electrical & Electronics Engineering

PhD Civil & Environmental Engineering

PhD Chemical Engineering

MEng Mechatronics & Industrial Instrumentation Engineering

MEng Mechanical & Energy Engineering

MEng Mining Engineering

MEng Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

MEng Computer & Telecommunications Engineering

MEng Geological Engineering

MEng Electrical & Electronics Engineering

MEng Materials & Metallurgical Engineering

MEng Chemical Engineering

MEng Civil & Environmental Engineering

BEng Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

BEng Mechatronics & Industrial Instrumentation Engineering

BEng Mechanical & Energy Engineering

BEng Energy Engineering

BEng Mining Engineering

BEng Geological Engineering

BEng Computer & Telecommunications Engineering

BEng Electrical & Electronics Engineering

BEng Materials & Metallurgical Engineering

BEng Chemical Engineering

BEng Civil & Environmental Engineering

Undergraduate Programmes Offered by BIUST

Engineering deals with design, development, implementation, operation and maintenance of industrial/production systems.

BEng in Chemical, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
BEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering
BEng in Computer and Telecommunications Engineering
BEng in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
BEng in Geological Engineering
BEng in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
BEng in Mechanical and Energy Engineering
BEng in Mechatronics and Industrial Instrumentation
BEng in Mining Engineering

The Faculty of Sciences offer degree programmes that are important fields of study. It emphasises applications to the real world and links with industry, commerce.

The Faculty of Sciences courses are;

BSc in Geological Sciences

BSc in Environmental Sciences

BSc in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

BSc in Physics and Astronomy

BSc in Chemical and Forensic Sciences

BSc in Biological and Biotechnological Science

BSc in Computer and Information Technology.

Postgraduate Programmes Offered by BIUST

List of Approved Programmes

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Chemical Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Geological Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Mechanical and Energy Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Mechatronics and Industrial Instrumentation

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Mining Engineering

Master of Engineering/ PHD, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering

Master of Science/ PHD, Biology and Biotechnology

Master of Science/ PHD, Computer Science

Master of Science/ PHD, Geological Sciences

Master of Science/ PHD, Environmental Sciences

Master of Science/ PHD, Forensic Sciences

Master of Science/ PHD, Geology

Masterof Science/ PHD, Information Systems and Data Management

Master of Science/ PHD, Physics

Master of Science/ PHD, Pure and Applied Chemistry

Master of Science/ PHD, Statistics

Master of Science/ PHD, Pure and Applied Mathematics

Contact Us


(+267) 493-1000


Physical Address

Plot 10071 Boseja, Palapye, Botswana, BW

Postal Address

Private Bag 16, Palapye, Botswana, BW