Certificate in HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling Course at Bosa Bosele Training Institute (BBTI)

Certificate in HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling Course at Bosa Bosele Training Institute (BBTI)

What is Certificate in HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling Course?

The programme offers students basic HIV/AIDS management. The students are introduced to basic concepts of the disease. The students also learn on how the disease may be prevented and how to give care and support to those affected.

Certificate in HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling Course at Bosa Bosele Training Institute (BBTI)

HIV testing and counseling (HTC) is the process that individuals and couples undergo to learn if they are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A blood, saliva, or urine sample is taken from the person and tested for HIV antibodies or antigens, depending on the type of test being used.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an HIV AIDS Counsellor do?

During their workday, HIV/AIDS counselors educate individuals on how to reduce the risk of contracting the virus, administer appropriate medical testing, and provide counseling after positive test results to help clients cope with the presence of HIV/AIDS.

What is the full form of HIV certificate?

The Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS continue to be issue public health concern in spite of containment of HIV epidemic in recent times.

What are the types of counselling in HIV and AIDS?

Pre-test counseling, post-test counseling, adherence counseling, couples counseling, crisis counseling and grief or bereavement counseling are the types of counseling practiced in the fields of HIV/AIDS.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a Counsellor?

Counsellors listen to, empathise with, encourage and help to empower individuals. The nature of problems encountered varies according to the setting and could include, for example, depression, anxiety, the need to manage harmful emotions and behaviours, or difficulties with coping with traumatic experience and events.

What are the three main types of counselling?

The techniques are: (1) Directive Counselling, (2) Non-Directive Counselling, and (3) Eclectic Counselling.

What qualities do you need to be a counsellor?

The Qualities of a Good Counselor

  • Communication skills. Communication skills will play a key role in your relationship with your clients.
  • Patience. Patience will become a critical trait as a counselor.
  • Confidence.
  • Non-judgmental.
  • Observant.
  • Listening Skills.
  • Trust.
  • Respectful.

Who is suitable to be a counsellor?

A good counselor should fully understand emotion and reason, and know when to use either or both. It’s essential to have empathy, for example, but empathizing too much with a patient may cloud the ability to help him find the way out of his dilemma.

What are the 7 principles of counselling?

Principle of Acceptance.
Principle of Communication.
Principle of Empathy.
Principle of Respect for the individual.
Principle of non-Judge.
Principles of Confidentiality.
Principle of individuality.
Principle of non emotional involvement.

What are steps of counselling?

Lets have a look at the five crucial stages of a counselling process.

  • Building a Warm Relationship.
  • Analysis.
  • Setting the Goal.
  • Plan of Action.
  • Overcoming the Problem.

How do I prepare for a counselling session?

As your first appointment nears, here are some ways to mentally and physically prepare yourself:

  1. Set Goals.
  2. Have Realistic Expectations.
  3. Give Yourself Credit.
  4. Schedule Your First Session at a Convenient Time.
  5. Reserve Time for Yourself Before the Session.
  6. Dress for Comfort.
  7. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions.
  8. Be Open and Honest.