Higher Certificate in Human Resource Management Course at Megasize College

Higher Certificate in Human Resource Management Course at Megasize College

What is Human Resource Management?

Human resource management is the strategic and coherent approach to the effective and efficient management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives.

Rationale for the Programme

The Diploma in Human Resource Management was developed in response to identified individual and business needs for the development of a sustainable economic growth as per national aspirations. The programme is intended to provide learners with practical work related skills in the area of management of human resources, which will make them useful to themselves and the business sector of the society. The structure of the Diploma was further informed by tapping on comparable programmes offered at similar regional and international institutions. The programme is offered through open and distance learning mode, thus making it more accessible and less constrained by geographical and other factors. Input by various stakeholders was taken into account to enrich and diversify the content coverage of the programme.

Programme Structure

Total Courses77
Course Credits120 Credits98 Credits
Major Project Credits0 Credits22 Credits
Previous Level 120 CBE Credits
Total Credits120 Credits240 Credits

DHRM Curriculum Structure

Course TitleCredit Points
YEAR 1                                 SEMESTER 1
PM111 Principles of Management18
OB111 Organisational Behaviour18
BC111 Business Communications14
EC111 Economics I18
                                           SEMESTER 2
LR112 Labour Relations18
HM112 Human Resources Management18
CS112 Basic Computing Skills18
YEAR 2                              SEMESTER 1
HD121 Human Resources  Development14
CR121 Compensation and Reward Systems14
RM120 Research Methods14
OH121 Occupational Health and Safety14
                                         SEMESTER 2
SH122 Strategic Human Resource Management14
EL122 Employment Law14
IS122 Business Information Systems14
RM122 Research Project (up to 5 000 words)22
Total Credits240