How to Get a Vaccination in Botswana

How to Get a Vaccination in Botswana

What is a Vaccination?

A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious or malignant disease. The safety and effectiveness of vaccines has been widely studied and verified.

How to Get a Vaccination in Botswana

Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR) vaccination (BMR vaccination in Dutch) is recommended for travelers to this country who are not protected against measles yet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What vaccinations do I need for Botswana?

Courses or boosters usually advised: Hepatitis A; Tetanus. Other vaccines to consider: Hepatitis B; Rabies; Typhoid. Selectively advised vaccines – only for those individuals at highest risk: none.

What medical do you need for Botswana?

Do I Need Vaccines for Botswana? Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Botswana. The National Travel Health Network and Centre and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Botswana: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, rabies and tetanus.

Where can I get yellow fever vaccine in Botswana?

Service is offered at the following facilities:

  • Kgatelopele Clinic, Block 8, Gaborone on Thursdays from 1000 hours to 1630 hours, Tel-3939345.
  • Nkaikela Clinic, Tlokweng on Wednesdays from 1000 hours to 1630 hours, Tel-3936890/3928228.
  • Tlokweng Clinic, Tlokweng on Wednesdays from 1000 hours to 1630 hours, Tel-3928596.

Do you need a typhoid shot for Botswana?

Typhoid vaccination is recommended for most travelers to Botswana. Individuals visiting friends or family or going to rural areas are at a higher risk and should receive immunization. Traveler’s diarrhea is a serious risk to individuals visiting Botswana.

Do I need a Covid test to fly to Botswana?

There is no requirement for a COVID-19 test to enter Botswana.

Do I have to wear a mask in Botswana?

Do I need to wear a face mask in Botswana? It is required to wear a face mask in some public places.

Which African country has no malaria?

Only two African countries, Algeria and Morocco, have been certified malaria-free by the WHO.

What race is immune to malaria?

People of the Fulani ethnic group are more resistant to malaria compared with genetically distinct ethnic groups, such as the Dogon people, in West Africa, and studies suggest that this resistance is mediated by enhanced antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum antigens.

Is there curfew in Botswana?

There is no COVID-19 nationwide curfew. The government may impose further localised lockdowns. You should monitor Government of Botswana’s Facebook page for updates on this.

Is Botswana a good place to live?

Botswana has a low crime rate compared to other countries in Africa. There is also no recent history of terrorism and violent attacks on tourists are very rare. Expats moving to Botswana should keep in mind that it is a developing country where many people live in poverty.

What disease kills the most people in poor countries?

Noncommunicable diseases (NCD) such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer, and diabetes place a significant burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). NCD cause 41 million deaths each year, which account for 71% of all deaths globally of which 77% are in LMIC.