How to Register a Charity in Botswana

How to Register a Charity in Botswana

What is a Charity?

A charitable organization or charity is an organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being. The legal definition of a charitable organization varies between countries and in some instances regions of the country. 

How to Register a Charity in Botswana

You have three options. First option is to form a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act of Botswana. Second option is to form a society under the Societies Act. Third option is to register a trust under the Trust Property Control Act. The choice depends on the sophistication of governance requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I register my charity?

Usually, you must register with the Charity Commission if your charity is based in England or Wales and has over £5,000 income per year. The commission will take action to secure compliance if it identifies a charity which isn’t registered but should be.

What NGOs are in Botswana?

Find National NGO expertise in Botswana

Among key organisations are the Botswana Network of AIDS Service Organisations, the Botswana Family Welfare Association, the Women’s NGO Coalition and Youth Health Organisation.

How do I register an NGO for a charity?

Application for registration by an NGO/NPO should be made online. The application should be supported by copies of: Its certificate of registration. Its statutes and by laws to highlight its non-profit making status.

How much is it to register a NGO in Botswana?

How much does it cost? The service costs BWP 500.00 for associations and churches, and BWP250. 00 for all other societies. These costs are non-refundable.

Do I need a license to run a charity?

You must apply to your council for a licence if you want to collect money or goods (that you plan to sell at a later date) from people’s homes for charity. Contact your council (or if you’re in London, the Metropolitan Police ) to apply for the licence.

Is there a difference between an NGO and a charity?

What makes a not-for-profit organisation different from a charity is that it is not eligible to register as a charity with The Charity Commission. There are fewer restrictions on the charitable work that not-for-profit organisations can carry out as they do not have to meet the criteria of The Charity Commission.

How long does it take to become a registered charity?

If you provide all the information and documents required, and answer all the questions clearly, the Charity Commission state that they will come back to you within 45 days. Once you start your application you will have 3 months to complete and submit it.

How much money do you need to start a charity?

The answer is “it’s complicated.” Generally, you need an investment of $500 at a bare minimum, but costs can be as high as $1,000 or more.

What qualifies you as a charity?

It has to be established exclusively for what is known as public benefit (see below). That means its only purpose must be charitable. Charities can’t make profits. All the money they raise has to go towards achieving their aims.

What are the four types of charity?

Four Charity Structures

  • Charitable Trust. A Charitable Trust must be run not-for-profit, and all of its purposes must be charitable.
  • Charitable Company.
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
  • Unincorporated Association.

Who controls a charity?

Charity trustees are the people who have the general management and control of the administration of a charity. Depending on the individual charity’s constitution, they may be called Board members, directors, management committee members, charity trustees, governors or patrons.