List of Commercial Banks in Botswana

List of Commercial Banks in Botswana

What are Commercial Banks?

A commercial bank is a financial institution which accepts deposits from the public and gives loans for the purposes of consumption and investment to make profit.

List of Commercial Banks in Botswana

FNB RMB Botswana

First Capital Bank Bostwana

Bank Of Botswana, Gaborone


Bank Gabarone

Frequently Asked Questions

How many commercial banks are there in Botswana?

Botswana has a total of 12 banks, 9 of these are commercial banks and 3 are statutory banks.

What are the four types of commercial bank?

Commercial Banks can be further classified into public sector banks, private sector banks, foreign banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRB).

How many commercial banks are there?

At present, there are 27 Public Sector Banks in India including SBI (plus its 5 associates) and 19 nationalized banks. Further, there are two banks which have been categorized by RBI as “Other Public Sector Banks”.

Why is it called commercial bank?

What is Commercial bank. As per the commercial bank definition, it is a financial institution whose purpose is to accept deposits from people and provide loans and other facilities. Commercial banks provide basic services of banking to their customers and small to medium-sized businesses.

What are the 3 primary functions of a commercial bank?

Functions of Commercial Bank refer to financial institutions that accept deposits, provide checking account services and make loans. They also offer basic financial products like savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs) to individuals and small businesses.

What are the 3 main bank accounts?

The most common types of bank accounts include: Checking accounts. Savings accounts. Money market accounts (MMAs)

Which is the biggest bank in Botswana?

Stanbic Bank Botswana is part of the Standard Bank Group, Africa’s largest bank by assets. Stanbic Bank employs over 600 people. They serve their clients with a 12 branch footprint around the country, 62 ATMs nationwide, and POS machines at various retailers.

What are the 3 types of bank deposits?

Traditionally, there are four types of bank deposits in India, which are – Current Account, Recurring Deposits, Savings Accounts, and Fixed Deposit Accounts.

What are 4 main banking services?

The 5 most important banking services are checking and savings accounts, loan and mortgage services, wealth management, providing Credit and Debit Cards, Overdraft services.

What is the difference between bank and banking?

Banking is the business of protecting money for others. Banks lend this money, generating interest that creates profits for the bank and its customers. A bank is a financial institution licensed to accept deposits and make loans. But they may also perform other financial services.

What are the two main types of banking?

Under the umbrella of banking and finance, the industry has commercial banks—which are consumer facing like Bank of America—as well as central banks—the government entities that regulate the industry and manage monetary policy.