List of Companies in Botswana

List of Companies in Botswana

What are Companies?

A company, abbreviated as co., is a legal entity representing an association of people, whether natural, legal or a mixture of both, with a specific objective. Company members share a common purpose and unite to achieve specific, declared goals.

List of Companies in Botswana


Africure Pharmaceuticals Botswana

Foods Botswana

Printing & Publishing Company Botswana

Strides Pharma Botswana Pty Ltd

Concor Botswana (PTY) Ltd


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the biggest company in Botswana?

Debswana is a major contributor to the national economy of Botswana and national GDP, foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. It is one of the largest private sector employers, with over 5200 employees.

Where can I find a list of companies?

Several paid databases allow you to access lists of companies in any given sector. You can filter by geography, company size, revenue figures, etc. Some of the most popular ones include Dun & Bradstreet (Hoover’s), Mint Global, LexisNexis, and S&P Capital IQ.

What are the 3 types of companies?

The 3 types of business entities that are most common are the sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. Each has their own distinct advantages and disadvantages, depending on what you and your business need.

How do I check a company online?

Check for reliability seals from consumer protection programs, such as the Better Business Bureau. Do a search for the business at to find out if it has been accredited by the BBB. To view complaints made against a business, click “check out a business or charity” at

How do I check a company online?

Check for reliability seals from consumer protection programs, such as the Better Business Bureau. Do a search for the business at to find out if it has been accredited by the BBB. To view complaints made against a business, click “check out a business or charity” at

Is Botswana a rich or poor country?

Significant mineral (diamond) wealth, good governance, prudent economic management, and a relatively small population of about 2.4 million (2021), have made it an upper middle-income country with an agenda of becoming a high-income country by 2036.

Where is the best place to live in Botswana?

Many expats moving to Botswana settle in the towns or cities of Maun, Francistown and Gaborone. These are far and away the more expensive choice, though do provide much better access to transport, work, schools and amenities. Popular suburbs in Gaborone include Broadhurst and Phakalane.

What are the Big Five in Botswana?

As wildlife enthusiasts probably already noticed, the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and the rare rhino) can all be crossed off the bucket list in the Okavango Delta. Spotting these impressive animals in their own habitat is something you will never forget.

What is a Top 100 company?

The Fortune 100 is a list of the top 100 companies in the United States within the Fortune 500, a list of the 500 largest U.S. public and privately held companies published by Fortune magazine. Fortune creates the list by ranking public and private companies that report annual revenue figures to a government agency.

Who is No 1 company of world?

This list comprises the world’s largest companies by consolidated revenue, according to the Fortune Global 500 2022 rankings. American retail corporation Walmart has been the world’s largest company by revenue since 2014.

What are the 4 different types of company?

The four main types of business structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and limited liability company (LLC).