List of Indigenous Fruits in Botswana

List of Indigenous Fruits in Botswana

What is Indigenous Fruits?

Indigenous fruits are those which are native to Africa, where they have originated and evolved over centuries. These are different to exotic fruits, such as citrus and even mango, which have been imported from other continents, although they may now be quite commonly grown in many areas.

List of Indigenous Fruits in Botswana

Baccaurea motleyana, Durio zibethinus, Garcinia mangostana, Lansium domesticum, Mangifera odorata, and Mangifera foetida were the top six most common wild edible fruits in this region.

Frequently Asked Question

What are indigenous fruits in Botswana?

They are Adansonia digitata Linn, Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst, Strychnos spinosa Lam and Vangueria infausta Burch . Adansonia digitata is commonly called baobab (mowana in Setswana).

What are indigenous fruits?

Indigenous fruits are those which are native to Africa, where they have originated and evolved over centuries. These are different to exotic fruits, such as citrus and even mango, which have been imported from other continents, although they may now be quite commonly grown in many areas.

What are the 40 fruits on the 40 fruit tree?

The Tree of 40 Fruit is a single tree that grows forty different types of stone fruit including peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, cherries, and almonds.

Is Watermelon an indigenous fruit in Botswana?

Watermelon is believed to have originated in the Kalahari region (Botswana, Namibia and South Africa) or northeastern Africa, and the fruit first cultivated in Egypt more than 5,000 years ago. From there it was introduced to the Mediterranean and then brought to India, probably in prehistoric times.

What are indigenous fruits and vegetables?

Indigenous fruits have long been collected from the wild and formed part of the diet. Their importance is greatest in drought seasons because of the drought tolerance of the trees which bear them.

Is banana an indigenous fruit?

Musa species are native to tropical Indomalaya and Australia, and are likely to have been first domesticated in Papua New Guinea. They are grown in 135 countries, primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent to make fiber, banana wine, and banana beer, and as ornamental plants.

Which of these five fruits are indigenous to Africa?

Among the important fruits are bananas, pineapples, dates, figs, olives, and citrus; the principal vegetables include tomatoes and onions. The banana is well distributed throughout tropical Africa, but it is intensively cultivated as an irrigated enterprise in Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, Angola, and Madagascar.

What are the 8 types of fruit?

Pome, drupe, berry, aggregate fruit, legumes, capsules, nuts, and multiple fruits are different categories of fruits.

What are three indigenous foods?

These were Amaranthus, Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata), African nightshade (Solanum species), spider plant (Cleome gynandra) and Ethiopian kale (Brassica carinata).

What are traditional indigenous foods?

First Nations traditional foods, also referred to as country foods, mainly consisted of animal and plant species that were harvested from the natural environment. They include foods such as wild meats, fish species, bird species, plants species, and berries.