List of Pension Funds in Botswana

List of Pension Funds in Botswana

What is Pension Funds?

A pension fund, also known as a superannuation fund in some countries, is any plan, fund, or scheme which provides retirement income. Pension funds typically have large amounts of money to invest and are the major investors in listed and private companies.

List of Pension Funds in Botswana

Botswana Meat Commission Pension Fund

Botswana Medical Aid Society Pension Fund

Botswana Post Pension Fund

Botswana Power Corporation Staff Pension Fund

Frequently Asked Questions

How does pension fund work in Botswana?

The pension is paid for the rest of your life and stops upon death. Your death benefits are guaranteed up to a maximum of 10 years. If you die within the guarantee period, death benefits equivalent to what you would have earned in the remaining guarantee period will be paid to your dependants.

What are the two types of pension funds?

There are two main types of pension plans: the defined benefit and the defined contribution plan. A defined benefit plan guarantees a set monthly payment for life (or a lump sum payment on retiring). A defined contribution plan creates an investment account that grows throughout the employee’s working years.

What is the difference between retirement fund and pension fund?

A provident fund is a retirement fund run by the government. A pension plan is a retirement plan run by an employer. Pension funds operate much like annuities. Provident funds operate more like 401(k) or savings accounts.

How many types of pension funds are there?

This plan is one of the two types of pension plans in India which are also used by the Government of India. The plan gives you an option to invest in equity and debt funds depending on your risk profile.

How many types of pension funds are there?

This plan is one of the two types of pension plans in India which are also used by the Government of India. The plan gives you an option to invest in equity and debt funds depending on your risk profile.

At what age does SSNIT stop paying?

The pension stops when the pensioner dies. However, under PNDCL 247 if the pensioner dies, before reaching the age of 72 years, the remaining monthly pension payments up to age 72 years is commuted to cash and paid to the pensioner’s beneficiaries.

How do I get a monthly pension?

Once you are 60 years old, you have to invest at least 40% of the accumulated NPS corpus to purchase annuities from which you get a monthly pension. However, you can choose to use a larger portion of your NPS corpus to purchase annuities to get a higher monthly pension. Also, those with a corpus of up to Rs