List of Private Companies in Botswana

List of Private Companies in Botswana

What is Private Companies?

A privately held company is a company whose shares and related rights or obligations are not offered for public subscription or publicly negotiated in the respective listed markets, but rather the company’s stock is offered, owned, traded, exchanged privately, or over-the-counter. 

List of Private Companies in Botswana




Mack Air



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the biggest company in Botswana?

Debswana is a major contributor to the national economy of Botswana and national GDP, foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. It is one of the largest private sector employers, with over 5200 employees.

What is a private company in Botswana?

A private company is formed with the intention of making a profit, and has a maximum of twenty-five (25) shareholders. This type of company does not make any offer to the public to subscribe to its shares or debentures. The name of a private company ends with (Proprietary) Limited, e.g. Carbo (Proprietary) Limited.

What is big business in Botswana?

Botswana’s economy is mostly dependent on diamond mining. Diamond mining contributes to 50% of the government revenue mainly through its 50:50 joint venture with De Beers in the Debswana Diamond Company.

What is Botswana rich in?

Botswana’s reliance on diamonds and a public sector-driven model makes the economy vulnerable to external shocks, as diamonds contribute over 80%of total exports and are a major source of fiscal revenues.

What is a close company Botswana?

“Close Corporation” is a new type of entity which does not have directors or shareholders but only members who will however have limited liability like a proprietary or public limited company. Close Corporations are however not popular. Cooperative Societies conduct business in Botswana but they are not popular.

What is the difference between a private company and an incorporated company?

What is an Incorporation. These are the same as private companies. These are used by Professionals, e.g. Accountants, Lawyers and Engineers. The only difference is that all present and past directors are liable together for the company debts contracted during their period of office.

How many companies are public listed in Botswana?

There are currently over 30 listed companies on the Botswana Stock Exchange including common stock and exchange traded funds.

What business can a foreigner do in Botswana?

So if you are looking to start a business in Botswana then you should try investing in the tourism sector. There are lots of opportunities in this sector. You can either provide accommodations in partnership with the local rest houses or the big named hotels. Or you can provide tourism deals to the tourists.

Is Botswana a rich or poor country?

Botswana’s economic freedom score is 64.8, making its economy the 61st freest in the 2022 Index. Botswana is ranked 3rd among 47 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is above the regional and world averages.

Is Botswana better than South Africa?

Botswana is a more pure wildlife destination than South Africa. Its main safari reserves, for instance the Okavango and Chobe, are less accessible than their South African counterparts, far wilder in feel, and tend to cater more to high-cost, low impact fly-in tourism.