List of Protected Trees in Botswana

List of Protected Trees in Botswana

What is Protected Trees ?

Protected tree means a tree and associated understory vegetation identified for retention and protection on an approved tree protection and replacement plan and/or permanently protected by easement, tract, or covenant restriction.

List of Protected Trees in Botswana

All trees of the species specified in the Schedule are hereby declared to be protected trees in those parts of Botswana constituting State land. Pterocarpus angolensis D.C. Adansonia digitata L. Diospyros mesopiliformis Hochst ex A.D.C.

Basra Reed-Warbler

Mountain Reedbuck

Southern Mountain Reedbuck

Black Harrier

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there trees in Botswana?

Common trees are the mopane, baobab, marula, acacia, camel thorn, motopi (shepherd’s tree), wild date palm, papyrus, sycamore fig tree, real fan palm, African mangosteen and the sausage tree. The trees tend to grow in areas with a plentiful supply of water, such as in the Okavango Delta swamps.

What is Botswana’s national tree?

Did you know that the Morula Tree is Botswana’s national symbol. In 2014 Morula Tree was named as Botswana’s National Tree together with Kori Bustard, Sengaparile and Motshikiri that were named the national bird, national flower and national grass respectively.

Which trees Cannot be cut without the approval of the government?

The cutting and manifestation of all mangrove species is prohibited pursuant to R.A. 7161 All naturally grown trees cut inside private lands shall be subjected to the payment of forest charges.

Which tree Cannot be cut?

Sheesham, Pine, Sandalwood, and Teak are a few of the plant species that cannot be cut without the approval of the government. The National Forest Policy was brought by the Government of India in 1988.

What is Botswana best known for?

Botswana is well known for having some of the best wilderness and wildlife areas on the African continent. 38% of its total land area are devoted to national parks, reserves and wildlife management areas.

Which tree bleeds after cutting?

However, we are here to tell you that this tree does exist. This tree is found in Yemen and the speciality of the tree is if it is cut, a thick red coloured liquid oozes out of it, giving the impression that it cries tears of blood.

Are there palm trees in Botswana?

Wild Date Palm known as Tsaro or Mosefa in Setswana (Phoenix reclinata) is one of two species of palm tree that naturally occur in the northern wetlands of Botswana, the other being the previously featured Real Fan Palm or Mokolwane.

What is Botswana rich in?

Botswana’s reliance on diamonds and a public sector-driven model makes the economy vulnerable to external shocks, as diamonds contribute over 80%of total exports and are a major source of fiscal revenues.

Is Botswana good country to live?

Botswana has a low crime rate compared to other countries in Africa. There is also no recent history of terrorism and violent attacks on tourists are very rare. Expats moving to Botswana should keep in mind that it is a developing country where many people live in poverty.

Is Botswana a rich or poor country?

Botswana’s economic freedom score is 64.8, making its economy the 61st freest in the 2022 Index. Botswana is ranked 3rd among 47 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is above the regional and world averages.

Why do people go to Botswana?

Botswana’s primary attraction is its vast wilderness. From the endless palm-covered islands of the Okavango Delta, to the moonscape saltpans of the Makgadikgadi region, it’s the perfect destination for anyone seeking pristine, unfenced surroundings.