List of Rehabilitation Centres in Botswana

List of Rehabilitation Centres in Botswana

What is Rehabilitation Centres?

Rehabilitation hospitals, also referred to as inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, are devoted to the rehabilitation of patients with various neurological, musculoskeletal, orthopedic, and other medical conditions following stabilization of their acute medical issues.

List of Rehabilitation Centres in Botswana

Serenity Rehabilitation Centre


Frequently Asked Question

How long is normal rehab?

The length of stay in rehab will be different for everyone. Addiction treatment typically lasts 30 days, but some programs last 60 or 90 days. If you have a mild addiction, you may only need to stay in treatment for a few weeks.

What are the activities in rehabilitation center?

Day-to-day recreational opportunities — Depending on the center, you may be able to take part in a variety of activities in your leisure time, including hiking, fishing, various sports, swimming, rock climbing, ropes courses, gardening, crafts, visits to a library, board games, and movies.

What is the success rate of rehabilitation?

Between 85 percent and 95 percent of all people who successfully complete drug rehab report still being abstinent from all drugs nine months after discharge. Roughly 80 percent of patients report benefiting from improved quality of life and health after completing drug and alcohol rehab.

What does Sanca help with?

SANCA is a non-governmental organisation, the major objectives of which are the prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug dependence.

What’s the shortest time you can stay in rehab?

A 30-day rehab program is typically the shortest length of stay available. While this may not seem like enough time to recover from an addiction, a 30-day program can be very beneficial. It provides individuals with structure and support while they detox and begin to learn how to live a sober life.

How many days a week should you do rehab?

A typical order for physical therapy will ask for 2-3 visits per week for 4-6 weeks. Sometimes the order will specify something different. What generally happens is for the first 2-3 weeks, we recommend 3x per week.

What are the disadvantages of rehabilitation?

The most challenging aspect for individuals considering rehabilitation, aside from resistance to quitting using their substance of choice, is likely the financial burden of rehab programs.

Why is rehabilitation better than imprisonment?

Recovering addicts typically commit fewer costly crimes. They also tend to be arrested less often. Healthcare reforms are lowering the financial barrier to entry of addiction treatment. Falling crime rates and fewer arrests will lead to reduced law enforcement and court costs.

When should rehabilitation start?

The process of rehabilitation should start as early as possible after an injury and form a continuum with other therapeutic interventions. It can also start before or immediately after surgery when an injury requires a surgical intervention.

What type of patients may benefit from rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is for people who have lost abilities that they need for daily life. Some of the most common causes include: Injuries and trauma, including burns, fractures (broken bones), traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injuries. Stroke.

Who benefits rehabilitation?

Any person may need rehabilitation at some point in their lives such as due to injury, surgery, any disease or decrease in mobility due to age factor. The rehabilitation process involves six major areas of focus: Preventing, recognizing, and managing comorbid illness and medical complication.