The University of Botswana (UB) Academic Departments

The University of Botswana (UB) Academic Departments

What is a department in a university?

An academic department is a division of a university or school faculty devoted to a particular academic discipline.

Here are the lists of the University of Botswana Departments

Accounting and Finance Department

African Languages and Literature Department

Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine Department

Architecture and Planning Department

Biological Science Department

Biomedical Sciences Department

Chemistry Department

Chinese Studies Department

Civil Engineering Department

Computer Science Department

Confucious Institute Department

Economics Department

Educational Foundations Department

Educational Technology Department

Electrical Engineering Department

Emergency Medicine Department

English Department

Environmental Health Department

Environmental Science Department

Family and Consumer Sciences Department

Family Medicine & Public Health Department

French Department

Geology Department

Graduate School of Business Department

History Department

Industrial Design and Technology Department

Internal Medicine Department

Languages and Social Sciences Education Department

Law Department

Library and Information Studies Department

Lifelong Learning and Community Development

Management Department

Marketing Department

Mathematics Department

Mathematics and Science Education Department

Mechanical Engineering Department

Media Studies Department

Medical Education Department

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department

Paediatrics and Adolescent Health Department

Pathology Department

Physics Department

Political and Administrative Studies Department

Population Studies Department

Portuguese Studies Department

Primary Education Department

Psychiatry Department

Psychology Department

Radiology Department

School of Allied Health Professions Department

School of Nursing Department

School of Pharmacy Department

School of Public Health Department

Social Work Department

Sociology Department

Sports Science Department

Statistics Department

Surgery Department

Theology and Religious Studies Department

Tourism and Hospitality Management Department

Visual and Performing Arts Department

Contact Us

Private Bag UB 0022
Gaborone, Botswana
+(267) 355 0000
PlotĀ 4775 Notwane Rd.