By | August 17, 2022

Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA) Application

The Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA) was established through Parliament Act No.9 in 1991, (Botswana College of Agriculture Act 1991), abolishing the then Botswana Agricultural College (BAC).

Courses Offered by the Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA)

Diploma Programs

Higher Diploma in Agriculture
Higher Diploma in Animal Health and Production
Higher Diploma in Forestry and Range Ecology

Bachelors Degree Programs

Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education)
Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
Bachelor of Science (Crop Science)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Mechanisation)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics)
Bachelor of Science (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering)

Masters Degree Programs

Master of Science (Agricultural Education)
Master of Science (Agricultural Engineering)
Master of Science (Animal Science)
Master of Science (Crop Science)

The Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA) Admission Requirments

BCA Entry Requirements

a) Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) Holders.

Applicants are required to:
(i) have taken at least five subjects including English Language and Mathematics, at the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) examination or its equivalent and obtained

  • a minimum of grade D (Pass) in English Language
  • a minimum of grade C (Credit) in Mathematics

(ii) have a minimum grade of C (Credit) in at least two of

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology


A minimum of grade of BB, in Science Double Award

(iii) have a minimum of grade C (Credit) in one of the following:

  • Agriculture
  • Development Studies
  • Literature in English

Mature Age Entry Scheme for Undergraduate Programmes

Applicants of at least 25 years of age on the first day of the semester of entry who have BGCSE with grade C or better in at least three subjects and grade D or better in English Language or equivalent but lack the qualifications for entry into the undergraduate programmes may apply as a mature age applicant.

Subject to regulation, any additional entry requirements shall be specified in the appropriate special faculty and departmental regulations.

Subject to regulations 00.521 and 00.522, a mature age applicant may use the direct entry route if such an applicant possesses BGCSE or equivalent with grade B or better in two subjects and grade C or better in four subjects.

Transfer Students

Transfer students from other recognised universities or institutions may be accepted for undergraduate studies if they have at least a cumulative GPA of 2.00 (on a five point scale) or equivalent and are eligible to return to the university or institution last attended.

Transfer students with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 (on a five-point scale) or equivalent shall be subjected to the provisions of general academic regulation 00.9 to determine their admissibility for undergraduate studies. Students admitted under such provisions will have an academic probation status.

Contact Us

Botswana College of Agriculture (BCA) Contact Information

Get in touch with the management for any further assistance;

Botswana College of Agriculture
Private Bag 0027
Gaborone, Botswana
Phone: +267 – 3650100
Fax: +267 – 3928753