Hotwire PRC Job Vacancies

Hotwire PRC Job Vacancies


We believe everything stems from and is inherently shaped by human interaction with other humans or with products and services. At the core, we believe human behaviour can be altered in relation to the quality of the input invested in the relationship. Put simply, if you love something, you buy it! If you don’t, you just won’t. We build upon this through the power of authentic, meaningful and creative communication.

We want to challenge, inspire and empower people and businesses. Thus, Hotwire for us is as much a noun as it is a verb, as we “hotwire” relationships.  There is nothing we will not do or cannot do to help ensure we endear people to the brands that we manage. Our media neutral approach is living proof of this. Though we are a part of an industry that strives to keep up with the times, we are not just about seasons and fads. We are about relevant and meaningful solutions. For opportunities at hotwire click here

Contact Us

Tel: +267 3923579

Fax: +267 3923506

PO Box 26374, Gaborone, Botswana.