By | February 10, 2023

Office of the Nigerian High Commissioner in Botswana Job Vacancies


We are committed to building an efficient Foreign Ministry that is knowledge-based and technology-drive in service delivery in the pursuit of Nigeria’s interests and foreign policy goals and objectives.

  • Promotion and protection of Nigeria’s national interests;
  • Representing and protecting the interests of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Nigerian citizens, and legal entities abroad;
  • Promotion of African integration and support for African unity;
  • Promotion of international cooperation for the consolidation of universal peace and mutual respect among nations and elimination of discrimination in all its manifestation;
  • Respect for international law and treaty l as seeking settlement of the internal dispute by negotiation, mediation, conciliations, arbitration, and adjudication; and
  • Promotion of a just world economic order.


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Find us

Visit our office at the location below, contact us through our official phone number or send us an email.

Address: Plot No. 1086/92, Queen’s Road, Main Mall, Gaborone, Botswana.

(+267) 391 3738