Assembly Bible College School Fees Structure

Assembly Bible College School Fees Structure

Assembly Bible College is a fully accredited non-profit making Christian College, in the Pentecostal tradition, based out of Tlokweng, Sefoke Ward, in Botswana. The College integrates education and service through a network in all Faith Based organisations.

Assembly Bible College is recognized by the Botswana Ministry of Education, registered and fully accredited by Botswana Qualification Authority (BQA).

School Fees

Module: P448
Exam: P154 per Credit
Tuition: P960 per Module
Technical Fee: P40 per Module
Administration Fee: P380 per Module (Applicable to Open Distance Learning only)
Note: These fees is subject to change every full academic year circle, when necessary.

Being a Non Profit Making Institution, ABC offer a subsidised cost for self-sponsored learners:

  • BA Degree
    • Full-Time (FT) On-Campus Cost: 120 credits of 480
    • Full-Time (FT) Off-Campus Cost: 120 credits of 480
  • Diploma
    • Full-Time (FT) Cost: 96 Credits of 361
    • Part-Time (PT) & Off-Campus Cost: 96 Credits of 361
    • Open Distance Learning (ODL) Cost: 96 Credits of 361

Non Subsidised for Non Resident Students:

  • BA Degree
    • Full-Time (FT) On-Campus Cost: 480
    • Full-Time (FT) Off-Campus Cost: 480
  • Diploma
    • Full-Time (FT) On-Campus Cost: 361 Credits
    • Part-Time (PT) & Off-Campus Cost: 361 Credits
    • Open Distance Learning (ODL) Cost: 361 Credits



Banking Details
Name of Bank: ABSA Botswana
Branch: Mall
Branch Number: 001
Name of Account: Assembly Bible College
Account#: 2714874


Get in touch with the management of the Assembly Bible College for further assistance;

252 Brinks Road, Gaborone, Botswana

+267 392 8439