Bachelor of Archives & Records Management (BARM) Course at Institute of Development Management (IDM)

Bachelor of Archives & Records Management (BARM) Course at Institute of Development Management (IDM)

What isBachelor of Archives & Records Management (BARM) Course

Records management is the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records. Records management is the process of identifying and protecting evidence, which comes in the form of records.

Bachelor of Archives & Records Management (BARM) Course at Institute of Development Management (IDM)

The BARM degree course builds capacity for records managers, archivists, knowledge managers and other information management professionals in the public, private and civil society organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is record management and archives?

An archives is the repository of the permanently valuable records of an organization. Such records are traditionally transferred to an archives, both physically and legally, when the organization that created them no longer needs them in the course of business.

What are the roles of archivist and records manager?

“The archivist serves the needs of the scholar, the historian, and posterity, whereas, the records manager serves the needs of business which is usually profit motivated and which is interested only in information that contributes to or protects that profit or the goals of the organization.

What is the purpose of archival management?

An archivist is concerned with managing records that have been identified for permanent retention because they have value to future generations. Archival management comprises the accession,25 processing, cataloguing and research use of and access to records designated as having permanent value to the museum.

What is the job description of a records manager?

This specialty covers the process of managing and supporting the creation, maintenance and retention of academic records including, but not limited to, registrations, transcripts, schedules, course descriptions and curriculum records.

What are the 3 main types of records?

The following sections will provide general guidance on the disposition of 4 types of records:

  • Temporary records.
  • Permanent records.
  • Unscheduled records.
  • Records on legal hold.

What are the two types of records management?

Generally speaking, there are two types of records management systems: traditional paper record management systems, and electronic record management systems.

What are the professional duties of an archivist?

Archivists are responsible for assembling, cataloguing, preserving and managing valuable collections of historical information. Archivists work with a wide variety of public and private sector organisations, and, once qualified, may move between a variety of organisations, roles and specialisations.

What is the advantage of archival study?

Advantages Of Archival Research

Archival Research provides an in-depth understanding and analysis of the subject matter. With the archives as your primary data source, you can be sure that you’re not missing out on anything. There are various resources to obtain and validate data that can be used for your research.

What skills do you need for records management?

Key skills for records managers

  • Patience.
  • Meticulousness.
  • Capable of prioritising.
  • Good problem-solving skills.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Administrative skills.
  • Organisational skills.
  • Communication and influencing skills, especially when requiring colleagues to hand over records or to use the systems correctly.

What is records management and examples?

The documents administered through records management include anything produced as the result of a business transaction. Examples of the records that may be managed include paper documents, audio and video recordings, emails, and instant message logs.