Botswana Open University (BOU) Contact Details

Botswana Open University (BOU) Contact Details

Botswana Open University (BOU) is a result of the transformation of the Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning (BOCODOL). The transformation was the actualization of the recommendation of the Tertiary Education Policy that a comprehensive national distance education institution be established.

The institution would develop, offer and accredit university-level programmes independently without being tied to collaborating partners.  Botswana Open University was developed to meet the growing local demand for ODL tertiary level programmes.


Garamotlhose Junction, Western Bye-Pass, Block 6, Plot 39972 Gaborone, Botswana

Contact Directory

The following are contact numbers at your Regional Campus where you can further make enquiries on issues of your interest

– Francistown  241 8383
– Gaborone     364 6100 / 364 6150
– Kang             651 7248
– Maun            686 5621
– Palapye        492 4024

For online Services related issues, please send mail to 

See Also;

Courses offered

Admission Requirements

How to Apply