Day Care Management Course at ABM University College (ABM)

Day Care Management Course at ABM University College (ABM)

What is Day Care Management?

Individuals in these management positions are in charge of the administrative tasks that keep daycare centers running. This means tracking employee training and licensing requirements, billing and payroll, scheduling, expenses, and more, to ensure that that center is profitable.

Programme Regulations

Subject to the provision of General Regulation 00.0 and 20.00 (General Regulations for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) and the Faculty of Education Special Regulation 10.30, the following Departmental Special Regulations shall apply:

Entrance Requirements

  1. Four (4) year Programme for Teachers (education specialization), the applicants must have:
    • at least Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE), Cambridge holders or its equivalent with at least a C or better in English Language and shall enter at Level 100 for pre-service.
    • a teaching Certificate to enter at Level 100
    • a Diploma in Primary Education to enter at Level 200/300 and
    • relevant work experience in an educational setting would be an added advantage.
  2. Four (4) year Programme for Home Economists/Family and Consumer Scientists, and officers from other child related areas (extension specialization), the applicants must have:
    • at least Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE), Cambridge holders or its equivalent with at least a C or better in English Language and shall enter at Level 100 for pre-service.
    • a relevant Certificate to enter at Level 100
    • a relevant Diploma to enter at Level 200/300 and
    • relevant work experience in a child related setting would be an added advantage
    1.  Progression from Semester to Semester

      At the end of each semester the Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be calculated on the basis of the total weighted scores divided by the number of credits.

      Cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) will be calculated as per General Regulation 00.8

      Retaking and Probation shall be considered as per General, Regulation 00.92 and 00.93
    2. Award of the Degree

      In order to be awarded a degree, a student shall have accumulated a minimum number of 120 credits at the end of the programme as stipulated in General Regulation 00.851 and 00.852
    3. Classifications: The degree of the Bachelors of ECED shall be classified in accordance with general regulation 20.4.
    4. General Provision
      • For the BECDE programme, all students would take ECD as a single major.  In addition students are required to take GECs, Electives and Optional courses as defined in general regulation 00.212

The BECDE major consists of mandatory courses at 100 and 200 level for all students enrolled in the two departments plus specialization courses at 300 and 400 level.

Programme Structure

LEVEL 100: Semester 1       (15-18 credits)

EFP 100: Introduction to Educational Psychology (3 credits)
COM161E: Communication and Academic literacy Skills 1(3 credits)
ICT 121E: Computer Skills Fundamentals 1(2 credits)
EPP201: Introduction to Art, Craft and Design in Education (4 credits)
EPI228: Foundations of Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

LEVEL 100: Semester 2       (15-18 credits)

FCS103: Prenatal and early childhood development (3 credits)
ICT 122: Computer Skills Fundamentals 2 (2 credits)
COM 162E: Communication and Academic literacy Skills 2 (3 credits)
EPI229: Theories and Principles of Early Childhood Education (3 credits)
ECD100: Health and Safety of Young Children (3 credits)

LEVEL 200: Semester 1  (15-18 credits) 

ECD200: Language Development and Literacy In Early Childhood (3 credits)
ECD201: Early Childhood Education for Environmental Sustainable Development (3 credits)
ECD202: Play and Creativity in Early Childhood (3 credits)

1 Elective Course (3 credits)

Optional Courses (choose one):

EFA100: School Organisations (3 credits)
EFS250: Diagnostic Teaching in Basic Skills for Students with Learning Disabilities/Difficulties (3 credits)
FCS102: Introductory nutrition (3 credits)
EPI 224: Foundations of Environmental Education (3 credits)
EPP 301: Arts, Methods and Materials for the Classroom Teacher (3 credits)
EPE 316: Assessment in Primary Schools (3 credits)

LEVEL 200: Semester 2       (15-18 credits)

ECD203: Manipulation and Discovery in Science and Social Science (3 credits)
ECD204: Concepts of Early Numeracy and Mathematics (3 credits)
ECD205: Behaviour Problems and Guiding Young Children (3 credits)
FCS210: Foundations of Food Preparations (3 credits)

1 Elective Course (3 credits)

Teaching Practice II – ETP 200 (15 credits)

LEVEL300: Semester 1        (15-18 credits)

EPE 319: ICT Applications in Schools (3 credits)
EPI 320: Learning Experiences and Material Development (3 credits)

1 Elective Course (3 credits)

Optional Courses (choose one):

EPE211 OR EPE212: Language across the Curriculum OR Introduction to Language Arts (3 credits)
EPP217: Introduction to Philosophy of Music Education and Fundamentals of Music (3 credits)
EFS 251: Remediation Techniques in School Subjects with Learning Disabilities (3 credits)
EPL 411: Teaching Reading in Primary Schools (3 credits)
EPL 414: Literature for Primary Schools (3 credits)

LEVEL300: Semester 2        (15-18 credits)

ECD 303: Learning Through Play (3 credits)
EPI 321: Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Education (3 credits)
LME 304: Early Intervention Programmes for Young Children (3 credits)
EFS 242: Educational Data Management (3 credits)

1 Elective Course (3 credits)

Teaching Practice II – ETP 300 (XXX credits)

LEVEL400: Semester 1        (15-18 credits)

ECD400: Child Protection, Advocacy and Children’s’ Rights (3 credits)
ECD 403: Music, Movement and Drama (3 credits)
EPE442: Research Project (3 credits)
GEC247: HIV/Aids Education Prevention and Control (3 credits)

1 Elective Course (3 credits)

LEVEL400: Semester 2        (15-18 credits)

ECD 402: Culture and Indigenous Knowledge in ECE (3 credits)
ECD 404: Guidance and Counselling in ECE (3 credits)
EPI 431: Management of Early Childhood Programmes (3 credits)
EPI 432: Contemporary Issues In Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

1 Elective Course (3 credits)

Optional Courses (choose one):

DSW105: Social Services with Families and Children
​​​​​​​FCS304: Meal Management (3 credits)
ECD 405: Child Study (3 credits)
EPS 300: Culture and Citizenship Education (3 credits)