Diploma In Public Administration and Management Course at Institute of Development Management (IDM)

Diploma In Public Administration and Management Course at Institute of Development Management (IDM)

What is Diploma In Public Administration and Management Course ?

This is a 2-year programme offering participants knowledge in public and non-public sector management principles to be effective managers in organisations.

Diploma In Public Administration and Management Course at Institute of Development Management (IDM)

A diploma in public administration is beneficial for those already working for a public or nonprofit organization and desiring additional training in leadership skills. It is also advantageous for students who desire a graduate-level introduction before continuing their education.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the courses under Diploma in public administration?

Course in public administration in Ghana: Accounting, management, planning, strategic management, public policy, administrative, organization functions, law, business, and ethics is part of the course syllabus for Public Administration.

How many years does it take to get a Public Administration diploma?


Public Administration1 year
Governance and Leadership1 year
Public Health1 year
Public Sector Management1 year

What is the best subject in Public Administration?

What are the main subject for Public Administration? The main subjects to study Public Administration in JAMB is Mathematics, English Language and Economics.

Which method of study is important in public administration?

The ideal-type method developed by Max Weber is a useful tool in contemporary public administration theory development because the method takes into account the culture of a society that is then integrated into a theory.

What is the foundation of public administration?

The Foundations of Public Administration Series is a collection of articles written by experts in 20 content areas, providing introductory essays and recommending top articles in those subjects.

What are the five functions of public administration?

Today public administration is often regarded as including also some responsibility for determining the policies and programs of governments. Specifically, it is the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling of government operations.

What are the 3 pillars of public administration?

Referred to as the pillars of public administration, economy, efficiency, effectiveness and equity have been raised as the 4 Es essential to the practice of public administration.

What is the difference between public management and public administration?

Public management is a hands-on approach that focuses on the daily tasks involved with rolling out policies, whereas public administration prioritizes controlling the hierarchies, rules, and regulations that contribute to instituting the public policy.

What is the objective of public management?

The goal of good public management is to optimise efficiency and effectiveness and improve customer service. Public management and administration are important for a government to roll out services to the public. It also involves the planning and setting up of policies underlying these public services.

What are the responsibilities of the public administrator?

Public administrators arrange, manage and supervise the organizations that regulate and control community laws and statutes. As these agencies grow to accommodate the needs of society, public administrators act as special advisors to satisfy the public’s interests and needs.