List of Registered Companies in Botswana

List of Registered Companies in Botswana

What is Registered Companies?

A company register is a register of organizations in the jurisdiction they operate under. A statistical business register has a different purpose than a company register.

List of Registered Companies in Botswana

Air Botswana


Bank of Botswana

Botswana Meat Commission



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the biggest company in Botswana?

Debswana is a major contributor to the national economy of Botswana and national GDP, foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. It is one of the largest private sector employers, with over 5200 employees.

Where can I find a list of companies?

Several paid databases allow you to access lists of companies in any given sector. You can filter by geography, company size, revenue figures, etc. Some of the most popular ones include Dun & Bradstreet (Hoover’s), Mint Global, LexisNexis, and S&P Capital IQ.

Is Botswana a rich country in Africa?

Significant mineral (diamond) wealth, good governance, prudent economic management, and a relatively small population of about 2.4 million (2021), have made it an upper middle-income country with an agenda of becoming a high-income country by 2036.

How many companies are public listed in Botswana?

There are currently over 30 listed companies on the Botswana Stock Exchange including common stock and exchange traded funds.

What is a private company in Botswana?

A private company is formed with the intention of making a profit, and has a maximum of twenty-five (25) shareholders. This type of company does not make any offer to the public to subscribe to its shares or debentures. The name of a private company ends with (Proprietary) Limited, e.g. Carbo (Proprietary) Limited.

How do you verify a company is real?

Check out the company’s address, phone number, and website to make sure they look legitimate. Be aware, though, that it’s pretty easy for a company to get a fake address, phone number, and website. If you can, visit the company’s physical address and talk to the people who work there.

How do you check if a company is registered?

The first way to check registration is by visiting the state’s website and looking for their registry of businesses. Note that the entity name check should always occur in the state where the business was incorporated, not necessarily where it is currently active.

Is Botswana good country to live?

Botswana has a low crime rate compared to other countries in Africa. There is also no recent history of terrorism and violent attacks on tourists are very rare. Expats moving to Botswana should keep in mind that it is a developing country where many people live in poverty.

Which country is poorer in Africa?

Based on the per capita GDP and GNI values from 2020, Burundi ranks as the poorest country in not only Africa, but also the world. The second-poorest country in Africa, Somalia, holds the same distinction.

Can foreigners own businesses in Botswana?

Foreigners who wish to operate a business in the country are required to register and obtain the relevant licenses and permits as prescribed by the Trade Act of 2008.