By | January 31, 2023

How to Calculate Overtime in Botswana

What is Overtime?

Overtime is the amount of time someone works beyond normal working hours. The term is also used for the pay received for this time.

How to Calculate Overtime in Botswana

If an employee is required to work in any one day more than the number of hours in the ordinary daily working period, the number of hours so worked in excess will be considered overtime, and the employee will be paid one and a half times (150% of the normal wage rate).

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you calculate overtime rate?

3. Computation

  1. Step 1: Determine the employee’s hourly rate. .Step 2: To get the hourly overtime pay, compute for 25% of the hourly rate of a total of 125%.
  2. Step 3: Multiply the overtime hourly rate against the hours worked (e.g. 2 hours).
  3. Step 4: Add pay with overtime pay for ordinary hours rendered (e.g. 6 hours).

How do you calculate overtime as per Labour law?

According to Section 33, workers who work overtime must be paid at a rate that is double their regular rates of pay. It states that the employer may accept actual work up to a maximum of 9 hours every 12-hour shift on any given day.

What are the working hours in Botswana?

A nine hour five day week or an eight hour six day week is normally observed. A break of at least 30 minutes must be given after five consecutive hours of work. A rest day at least 24 consecutive hours, typically including Sunday, is given in every period of seven consecutive days.

How is overtime calculated in Ghana?

When an employer pays overtime to any employee that is not more than 50% of the employee’s monthly basic salary, the employer will deduct 5% as overtime tax. However, if the overtime paid is more than 50% of the employee’s monthly basic salary, the excess of the 50% is taxed at 10%.

How much is 2 hours of overtime?

Overtime payments are commonly called the overtime premium or the overtime rate of pay. The most usual rate for overtime hours is time and a half, and that is 50% more than the employee’s standard wage. It means that for every hour of overtime, you receive an equivalent of 1.5 the regular hourly rate.

How much is 10 hours of overtime?

This means if your regular hourly rate is $9.00, and you work 50 hours during a given workweek, you should be receiving $135.00 in overtime pay that week ($9.00 x 1.5 = $13.50 x 10 OT hours = $135.00). Keep in mind, that is in addition to the 40 hours of regular wages.

How much is overtime pay example?

For example, if an employee who makes $15 an hour worked 45 hours in a week, this would be the equation: Regular pay rate: 40 hours x $15 = $600. Overtime pay: $15 x 1.5 x 5 hours = $125. Total pay for the week: $600 + $125 = $725.

How do you calculate 1.5 overtime?

Time and a half pay is 50% more than an employee’s regular rate of pay. For every hour of overtime an employee works, the employer must pay them their regular rate of pay plus half of that. To calculate an employee’s overtime rate of pay, you would multiply their regular rate by 1.5.

What is the maximum limit of overtime?

[(iv) ] the total number of hours of overtime shall not exceed fifty for any one quarter.

Is overtime calculated on basic or gross salary?

Basic salary is a rate of pay agreed upon by an employer and employee and does not include overtime or any extra compensation. Gross salary, however, is the amount paid before tax or other deductions and includes overtime pay and bonuses. For instance, if an employee has a gross salary of Rs.