By | February 23, 2023

UNDPA Botswana Vacancy: Consultancy (Thematic Data Analysis) | Apply Now

Consultancy – Support for the thematic data analysis of the 2022 Population and Housing Census

Closing date: Friday, March 3, 2023

Duty Station: Remote

PDF icon final_tor_census_thematic_analysis.pdf


The Government of Botswana through Statistics Botswana, the National Statistics Office has successfully completed the 2020 Round of Census through implementation of the 2022 Population and Housing Census [PHC] in March 2022. Although initially scheduled for August 2021, the preparatory phase of the census project was not spared the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including protracted delays and lead time in procurement processes. Notwithstanding, the successful completion of the census marked Botswana’s first fully digitised census undertaking. In implementing the enumeration phase of the project, a comprehensive census questionnaire was developed with stakeholders that enabled extensive collection of data on a wide range of topics and variables, including on demographic factors such as fertility and nuptiality, young and elderly people, mortality and maternal mortality. Subsequent to the transition of the census project from the enumeration to the data analysis and dissemination phase, Statistics Botswana has sought for technical support from the United Nations family, through UNFPA, which has remained at the fore as a key partner to national statistics offices globally, particularly on all matters related to censuses.

A technical working meeting between UNFPA and Statistics Botswana conducted in August 2022, has contributed to the development of a thematic data analysis plan, which identifies all possible thematic topics for consideration during the data analysis phase. To that end, UNFPA has committed to providing technical support for selected topics namely; a) Fertility and Nuptiality; b) Mortality including Maternal Mortality; c) Gender and development; d) Disability and e) Ageism. It is against this background that UNFPA Botswana Country Office is seeking the services of a team of consultants to analyse the 2022 PHC data as per the selected themes, working in tandem with Statistics Botswana and other analysts engaged in the data analysis process.

The objectives of the assignment is to analyse specific thematic topics of the 2022 PHC data, and translate the analyses into information that is usable for stakeholders in planning, monitoring and evaluation of policies, strategies, plans and programmes. Specifically, the objectives of the consultancy for the Lead Thematic Analysis Expert are as follows;

a) Lead the thematic analysis process including quality assurance of analytical reports

b) To strengthen the capacity of experts in data analysis and processing (including local and international analysts through leading and facilitating a pre-analysis workshop that covers data processing, analysis techniques, training on thematic areas, report writing and general guidance particularly on themes related to his/her area of expertise.

c) Supervise the analysis conducted by the thematic analysis experts including organising individual meetings with the analysts to assess their progress.

d) Lead the analysis of one thematic area (demographic topic) and produce an analytical report encompassing context, indicators, tabulations, graphics and written interpretation relating to the thematic topic.

e) To supervise the work done by national census data analysts and IT team in charge of tables production, maps and census database.

f) Provide the IT Team of Statistics Botswana with the algorithms to compute all the indicators needed for the thematic reports writing.

g) Prepare and conduct collective meetings with all analysts.

h) Organise an internal pre-validation workshop of the reports.

i) Supervise the integration of comments from the internal validation workshop into the draft reports.

Expected Deliverables

a) An inception report detailing how the Lead Thematic Analysis Expert in collaboration with the Thematic Analysts will coordinate and operationalise the census data thematic analysis, including the generation of thematic charts, tables, maps, census database, and computed relevant indicators for each theme.

b) Progress reports on census thematic analysis

c) Draft thematic reports

d) Final thematic reports

e) Census products (final report, census in brief, powerpoint presentation highlighting key findings, and implications and recommendations for each thematic area.

f) Training resources and report on capacity building efforts implemented

The thematic reports should be of high quality in terms of presentation, analysis, relevance and utility and have the following attributes:

● Concise: Covers the required material in a relevant and succinct manner

● Readability: Uses simple, professional, clear and jargon-free language

● Analytical: describes and interprets results of the data clearly and discusses policy implications of the specific themes.

Duration and working schedule

The assignment will be completed between the months of March and December 2023 (this period may change depending on availability of census data for analysis). The Lead Thematic Analysis Expert will be engaged for 50 working days while the Thematic Analysts will be engaged for 35 working days. The LeadThematic Analysis Expert is expected to work with the thematic analysts to propose a detailed work schedule of the team for the approval of Statistics Botswana and its partners.

See more information on the attached Terms of Reference

How to apply: Interested applicants should send a technical proposal, letter of motivation and a detailed CV with the subject clearly stated “Consultancy –  Thematic Census Data Analysis”  to