By | February 8, 2023

Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) Job Vacancies


Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) is a parastatal established by the Botswana Qualifications Authority Act, No 24 of 2013, to:

  • provide for and maintain the National Credit and Qualifications Framework (NCQF)
  • coordinate the education, training and skills development quality assurance system, from early childhood to tertiary level (lifelong learning)

Job Vacancies

Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Tertiary Education Research Science and

Technology. It draws its mandate from the BQA Act No.24 of 2013. Its main objectives are to provide for and maintain the

National Credit and Qualifications Framework (NCQF) and to coordinate the Education, Training and Skills Development

Quality Assurance System. BQA invites applications from qualified candidates to fill the following positions: click to view all job positions


66450 , Block 7 , Private Bag BO 340, Gaborone Botswana

PHONE NUMBER: (+267) 365 7200


TOLL FREE: 0800 600 934

SMS :+267 75 671 114

FAX : (+267) 395 2301